May. 02, 2020

Antioxidants in food and skincare

Despite our body's own antioxidant system , an overload of free radicals can sometimes be overwhelming. Supplementation from food or skincare is an effective way to mitigate the exposure to oxidative stress and support the antioxidative activity.


In this skin tip Dr. Barbara Geusens tells you all about the importance of antioxidants for your skin. At Nomige we check if your body produces enough antioxidants by itself and adapt your serum accordingly. But you can also help your skin by seeking antioxidants in your nutrition.

What are antioxidants?

As the word itself reveals its benefit, antioxidants are a defense mechanism against 'oxidants' or the more scientific term ' oxidative stress ' that can produce free radicals . These radicals are reactive molecules that can cause diseases, cancer, aging, hyperpigmentation and other forms of skin damage . They are formed after exposure to UV radiation (sun), pollution, blue light, smoking, etc.


Our skin's natural antioxidant network exists of enzymes and small-molecule antioxidants . Examples of these enzymes are superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione (GSH) . These are often referred to as 'detoxification enzymes'. The small-molecule antioxidants include the better-known vitamin C , vitamin E , vitamin A , coenzyme Q , etc.

What antioxidants to look for in products?

In-store skincare products mostly contain antioxidants such as vitamins E, C and A .

When you look at the ingredient list you will see vitamin E , mentioned as Tocopherol or Tocopheryl Acetate . Vitamin E is mostly used for its antioxidative activity which means that it can sort of sweep away free radicals before it can cause any damage to our cells.

Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid is not only used to protect from free radicals but also to support the activity of vitamin E. Therefore, vitamin E and C are often combined in our skincare.

Beta-carotene is a carotenoid that is derived from vitamin A . Beta-carotene protects mainly from free radicals, produced by infrared radiation. It is naturally present in our skin but often depleted by sun radiation. Therefore, it is beneficial to replenish these amounts through supplements and skincare products.


You'll often find that the antioxidant coenzyme Q10 or CoQ-10 is labeled on various skincare products. In the ingredient list, it is mentioned as 'Ubiquinone'. Typically, it is used for its anti-ageing effect.

Lesser known but effective antioxidants are reservatrol, ferulic acid, curcumin, alpha-lipoic acid, arbutin and botanical extracts such as Ginkgo Biloba and grapeseed extract . This is just a small selection of a broad list of antioxidants that are most commonly found in our skincare.

Which foods contain antioxidants?

We already produce a lot of these antioxidants naturally by nature, however, their levels decrease significantly as we age. Hence, antioxidant intake through a well-balanced diet with fruits and veggies can be helpful. Eating your 5-a-Day will also build up your antioxidant system. These food sources contain antioxidants to boost up your antioxidant system: carrots (beta-carotene), citrus fruits (vitamin C, ferulic acid), broccoli (vitamin C), mixed nuts (vitamin E), avocado (vitamin E), grapes, nutmeg, kale, spinach, green tea, etc.


Antioxidants in skin care


In addition to nutrition, you can also increase your antioxidant levels through skin care. We are constantly exposed to environmental factors such as UV radiation and pollution. So antioxidant supplementation is beneficial throughout the entire year . Antioxidants in skincare are mostly relevant in the morning, to support and protect your skin against free radicals that are encountered during that day. It is necessary to protect ourselves daily rather than an occasional mask or treatment.

Try personalized skincare: 2-week treatment

Through a DNA test, we analyze your specific skin needs. For example, we may find lower levels of superoxide dismutase, glutathione or reservatrol in your DNA analysis. If so, these will be the main antioxidants included in your day serum. So in addition to the classic fit-for-all antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, at Nomige we take it a step further.

Nome Test Package

DNA skin analysis
15 pages skin report
day cream & serum
night cream & serum

Learn about DNA skincare & Nomige from Dr. Barbara Geusens

Watch an interactive and educational session where you can learn more about your skin, the role of your DNA, skincare and the Nomige concept.

The online Masterclass is the ideal opportunity to learn more about Nomige and DNA skincare.

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